27th High Risk Emergency Medicine - Streaming Video
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Designed and taught by emergency physicians and medical malpractice attorneys, this HREM course is a comprehensive review of the medical-legal issues inherent to the practice of Emergency Medicine.
Using actual case analysis and a review of the medical literature, this CME course identifies the critical components of the history, physical exam and data collection process that are critical to assuring a well supported evaluation, treatment and disposition. Important principles in communication, documentation, medical-legal strategies and EMTALA compliance are discussed to help participants develop an effective Emergency Department Risk Management Program.
The Twenty-Seventh Annual Edition of this emergency medicine CME course has been revised to include the most recent, relevant literature, malpractice and EMTALA cases. Participants will also receive a comprehensive Risk Management syllabus and annotated bibliography that features practical management recommendations for reducing risk while providing high quality patient care.
Accreditation Statement
The Center for Emergency Medical Education (CEME) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Center for Emergency Medical Education (CEME) designates this Enduring material for a maximum of 15.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the CME credits commensurate with the extent of their participation in the HREM course.
Target Audience
This course is designed to benefit physicians, nurses, and physician assistants providing acute care. Malpractice attorneys, hospital risk management staff, and quality management staff will also benefit from this CME course.
Learning Objectives
After completing this CME course, participants should be able to:
- Review current medical literature and analyze actual emergency medicine malpractice cases to improve patient outcomes and avoid malpractice claims.
- Identify the critical components of the history, physical exam and data collection process that are critical to assuring a well-supported evaluation, treatment and disposition of Emergency Department patients.
- Develop an effective Emergency Department Risk Management program.
Ross Berkeley is the Director of Quality for Emergency Medcine Physicians (EMP), Ltd., and serves on the Board of Directors for Physicians Specialty Limited Risk Retention Group (PSLRRG). He is an associate professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, where he serves as Program Director of the emergency medicine residency and Vice Chair for Quality & Education. Dr. Berkeley is an expert peer reviewer for the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners and serves on the Claims Committee for PSLRRG as well as the Claims and Underwriting Committee for ProAssurance Casualty Company. He has served as the Quality Director of emergency departments in both community and academic settings, and currently co-chairs the Quality & Patient Safety Committee at University Medical Center (UMC) of Southern Nevada.
Michael Frank is General Counsel and Director of Risk Management for Emergency Medicine Physicians (EMP), in which capacity he manages all EMP legal affairs, including professional liability claims. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Emergency Medicine, Fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine and Life Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians. He is a member of numerous medical and legal professional societies.
Amal Mattu is a frequent speaker on the national and international CME circuit on topics related to emergency cardiology and geriatrics. He is the author of the best-selling texts ECGs for the Emergency Physician Volume 1 and Volume 2, has served as chief editor for two other popular textbooks focused on errors in emergency medicine. In 1996, he joined the faculty of emergency medicine at the University of Maryland, and since that time he has received more than a dozen teaching awards, including Teacher of the Year from the University of Maryland at Baltimore, and national teaching awards from the American Academy of Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Elliot Nipomnick is in the full-time practice of emergency medicine and serves as the Quality Director at Chinese Hospital in San Francisco. He serves on the Board of Directors of Physicians Specialty Limited Risk Retention Group, and is a diplomate of the American Board of Emergency Medicine, and the President of the Alameda Contra Costa County Emergency Physicians Association. Dr. Nipomnick is an Expert Medical Reviewer for CMS, Maximus Federal Services, Alameda County, CA, the Medical Board of California, HSAG, and Lumetra.
is an Associate Professor and Director of Research for the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and practices clinically at University Medical Center of Southern Nevada. He also serves as a Deputy Chief and EMS Medical Director for Las Vegas Fire & Rescue and provides medical oversight for casino AED programs. He currently serves on the National CARES Oversight Board and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Emergency Medicine. He is a past president of the Nevada Chapter of the American College of Emergency Medicine, is a diplomat of the American Board of Emergency Medicine, ABEM Subspecialty Board Certified in EMS, and a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Medicine.
Nathan Cleveland is a diplomate of the American Board of Emergency Medicine and practices emergency medicine full-time at University Medical Center in Las Vegas, NV. He is the Associate Program Director for the emergency medicine residency at the University of Nevada School of Medicine. Dr. Cleveland is a member of the Quality Committee for Emergency Medicine Physicians (EMP), LLC.
Available Credit
- 15.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
- 15.75 Certificate of Participation